Snow Storm – Fun Time

Dad Fox has seen in the news a new snow storm is in the weather forecast, he decide to go out to shovel the snow off the road, as usual Miss Fox keeps an eye on her dad, and she asked him if she can help him to shovel the snow off the road.

In one moment the snow storm is so strong, both of them decide is time to quit, but oh boy, they had had fun together!


Snow Storm - Fun Time

El papá Fox ha visto en las noticias que una tormenta de nieve se acerca, y decide que es tiempo de salir a quitar la nieve del camino, como siempre la pequeña Miss Fox le quiere dar una mano.

Al final es tanta la nieve que los dos tienen que parar, pero de que han compartido un buen rato juntos, eso nadie lo pone en duda.

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